Use of compost-prepared substrate for seedling production: a systematic literature review




Organic waste, Organic matter, Organic substrate, Composting


This study consists of a systematic literature review on the use of alternative substrates in the composting of urban solid waste, aiming to compile information and conduct a comparative analysis to identify the most effective compounds in different approaches. Articles published in databases such as the Portal Capes between the years 2014 and 2023 were analyzed. The results highlight the prevalence of studies investigating waste such as animal manure, plant residues used in primary production, and municipal waste. These resources, derived from waste reuse, contribute to environmental preservation and promote the generation of clean and renewable energy. However, there is a challenge in developing substrates adapted to each region, such as in the Amazon Region, using local raw materials that, depending on how they are disposed of, lead to serious environmental problems. Therefore, it is crucial to advance in this field, considering the vast potential of industrial waste, agricultural residues, and other raw materials available in these regions.


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Author Biographies

Wellison Rafael de Oliveira Brito, Federal University of Amazonas

Graduado em Ciências Biológicas; Mestre em Ciências Biológicas (PPGBOT – INPA); Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia (PPGCASA – UFAM); Professor de Biologia na Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Desporto Escolar do Amazonas (SEDUC-AM).

Cássia Nascimento de Morais Oliveira, Instituto Federal do Amazonas

Graduado em Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil; Técnica em Edificações pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba (IFPB); Discente em Técnico em Administração no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (IFAM).

Railma Pereira Moraes, Instituto Federal do Amazonas

Graduada em Engenharia Florestal; Mestre em Ciências do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia (PPGCASA – UFAM); Doutorado Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA); Professora no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (IFAM).


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How to Cite

BRITO, W. R. de O.; OLIVEIRA, C. N. de M.; MORAES, R. P. Use of compost-prepared substrate for seedling production: a systematic literature review. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 14, p. e141009, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i14.1009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.