Infected dentigeral cyst: clinical case report
Infected dentigerous cyst, Lesion, Radiography, Treatment, Biopsy, EnucleationAbstract
The infected dentigerous cyst can be defined as a cystic lesion involving the crown of an included tooth, which is linked to the cementoenamel junction. Clinically, it is observed due to an asymptomatic swelling and is usually found by routine radiographic examination or by investigation of unerupted teeth. Radiographically, it appears as a radiolucent unilocular lesion around an embedded tooth. Thus, this work presents a clinical case of a patient with infected dentigerous cyst in the posterior region of the mandible, treated surgically through enucleation. A 7-year-old male patient attended the Clínica Imagem Dental, Brazil, with a complaint of enlargement in the right posterior region of the mandible and by an orthodontist, he did not have facial asymmetry, panoramic radiographic examination and computed tomography. presence of a lesion which has undergone a biopsy for confirmation and for the direction of treatment. In view of the clinical and radiographic picture, the treatment plan established was incisional biopsy and cyst enucleation, to allow the eruption of permanent successors.
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