Perception of high school students from a public school in Pará about gasteroid fungi (Basidiomycota)




Mycology teaching, Gasteromycetes, Macrofungi, Environmental perception


Due to lack of dissemination, fungi remain little known, especially macrofungi with unpopular morphology, such as gasteroid fungi (Basidiomycota). This research investigated the perception of high school students from a public school in Santarém, Pará, regarding the recognition of gasteroid fungi compared to other groups of fungi. Samples with different morphologies were presented to the students, so they could list only the fungal origin samples. Mold was added to the dynamics because it is the most present group in didactic materials focused on the topic. Hierarchical clustering analysis was used to group samples with similar observations. Mold was recognized by 100% of the students. Samples with mushroom (umbrella) and ear-shaped morphology also showed a high degree of recognition, but recognition decreased as the morphologies of the other samples diverged from those mentioned earlier, reaching less than 5% for most samples of gasteroid fungi, which due to lack of popularity, were confused with representatives of plants. It is necessary to increase didactic activities involving mycology and intensify its dissemination and popularization to expand students' perception and make less popular groups, such as gasteroid fungi, equally important components of mycodiversity.


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Author Biographies

Antonia dos Santos Costa, Federal University of Western Pará

Graduada em Licenciatura Integrada em Biologia e Química.

Marcos Diones Ferreira Santana, Federal University of Western Pará

Doutor em Biodiversidade; Mestre em Botânica e Graduado em Ciências Biológicas. Autor para correspondência.

Eveleise Samira Martins Canto, Federal University of Western Pará

Doutora em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia na UFOPA; Mestra em Ciências da Saúde; Graduada em Ciências Biológicas.


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How to Cite

COSTA, A. dos S.; SANTANA, M. D. F.; CANTO, E. S. M. Perception of high school students from a public school in Pará about gasteroid fungi (Basidiomycota). JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 14, p. e141064, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i14.1064. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.