The importance of the participation of health academics in living with vulnerable populations: Welcoming and cultural understanding




Health of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Culture, Indigenous Peoples


Objective: To report the experience of medical students from Cesumar University in supporting socially vulnerable indigenous populations in Maringá. It includes discussions on health, social support, donations, and building intercultural bonds for future projects. Methodology: This is an applied and exploratory study of the Experience Report type, with monthly visits to shelters, group discussions, and donations to address health and social needs. Results: The project began with meetings at Cesumar University to understand the needs and prevalent diseases in the indigenous community. Subsequently, discussions were held at the Maringá Indigenous Association, addressing not only health but also social needs. The knowledge exchange was enriching, including the exhibition of indigenous crafts. Conclusion: The need for interculturality in indigenous health was highlighted, emphasizing respect for cultural practices. The experience was crucial for the students' development, fostering sensitivity and critical awareness.


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Author Biographies

Yasmin Catelan Mainardes, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Unicesumar, Paraná

Mateus Sendeski, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduando em Medicina pela Universidade Unicesumar, Paraná

Larissa Rafaela do Prado Carvalho, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Unicesumar, Paraná

Adriano Gregório Queiroz Ito, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduando em Medicina pela Universidade Unicesumar, Paraná

Veridiana Catelan Mainardes, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduada em Medicina pela Universidade Unicesumar, Paraná

Isabella Sendeski, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduada em Medicina pela Universidade Unicesumar, Paraná

Marcia Cristina de Souza Lara-kamei, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduada em Biologia, Doutora em Biologia Celular

Sandra Cristina Catelan-Mainardes, Centro Universitário Cesumar

Graduada em Farmácia, Mestre em Biologia Celular


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How to Cite

MAINARDES, Y. C.; SENDESKI, M.; CARVALHO, L. R. do P.; ITO, A. G. Q.; MAINARDES, V. C.; SENDESKI, I.; LARA-KAMEI, M. C. de S.; CATELAN-MAINARDES, S. C. . The importance of the participation of health academics in living with vulnerable populations: Welcoming and cultural understanding. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 14, p. e141065, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i14.1065. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.