Typical and atypical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in medical students





Medical students, Prevalence, Gastroesophageal , Reflux Disease


 Introduction: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is currently one of the most prevalent pathologies in gastroenterology and otolaryngology, with an average incidence in Brazil ranging from 12 to 20%. The symptoms vary, initially complicating a more precise diagnosis. Its symptoms can manifest typically and atypically, potentially impacting people's quality of life. Objective: To investigate typical and atypical symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in medical students.

Methodology: Cross-sectional survey, observational, and descriptive study conducted at Tiradentes University from February to April 2024. The sample consisted of 151 medical students from Tiradentes University campuses in Aracaju and Estancia, Sergipe.

Results: 35 participants reported a diagnosis of GERD. Females represented 83% of the total sample (151), with 77% having a previous diagnosis of GERD. Typical symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation were more prevalent, while atypical symptoms were represented by the presence of throat clearing, hiccups, asthma symptoms, and chronic cough. The association of GERD with a family history of the disease, psychiatric disorders, caffeine consumption, and some medications was frequent. Conclusion: Typical and atypical symptoms were prevalent among medical students, especially in females and individuals of white skin. Several risk factors were identified, requiring attention to the impact on the quality of life in this academic population.


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Author Biographies

Matheus Vieira de Moraes, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduando em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes.

Arlete Cristina Granizo Santos, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduada em Medicina, Mestra em Ciências da Saúde.

Yasmin Tourinho Delmondes Trindade, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes.

Júlia Sobral Spósito, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, BA, Brasil

Graduanda em Medicina pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

Leda Maria Delmondes Freitas Trindade, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduada em Medicina, Mestra em Ciências da Saúde.


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How to Cite

MORAES, M. V. de; SANTOS, A. C. G.; TRINDADE, Y. T. D.; SPÓSITO, J. S.; TRINDADE, L. M. D. F. Typical and atypical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in medical students. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 14, p. e141068, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i14.1068. Disponível em: https://revistajrg.com/index.php/jrg/article/view/1068. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.