Health care for women in riverside communities: review study
Health, Riverside Women, Care, Public HealthAbstract
Introduction: When we look at health care for riverside women, the vast scientific production aimed at reproductive health is clear. With this, it is understood that it is essential to discuss existing actions and improvements that can be formulated and targeted at this population. Objective: to evaluate health care for riverside women. Methodology: Integrative literature review research, guided by the following steps: construction of the research question; delimitation of inclusion and exclusion criteria; choice of databases; search and selection of studies; analysis and presentation of results. Results and Discussion: 650 studies were identified, after applying the language inclusion criteria, remaining 120 studies, and then reading the titles, in which 530 articles were excluded, as they were not related to the objective of this article. The abstracts of the 120 articles selected from the analysis of the titles were read and only those that met the inclusion criteria had their abstracts investigated. 9 articles were selected to compose the research. Conclusion: Therefore, there was a need to better understand how these women receive health care, and how this manifests itself in their daily practices, in order to give greater visibility to their cultural and social identity.
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