Effects of liraglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity





Liraglutide, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Efficiency, Security


This study aims to contribute to the understanding of liraglutide and its effects in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. The objective was to study the impacts of using Liraglutide by patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. We sought to discuss the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity; explain pharmacological aspects and mechanism of action of Liraglutide and discuss the effects of Liraglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Among the results, they highlight that in patients with type 2 diabetes, Liraglutide works by stimulating insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, suppressing glucagon secretion, delaying gastric emptying and promoting satiety. This results in significant improvements in blood glucose levels, reducing the need for other hypoglycemic medications and contributing to disease control. It is concluded that liraglutide is a versatile therapeutic option, showing substantial benefits in pharmaceutical clinical practice, with a promising role in controlling type 2 diabetes, weight reduction and improving comorbidities, offering new perspectives for the treatment of these complex conditions, promoting a more comprehensive and effective approach to health management.


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Author Biographies

Brunna Chaves de Fraga, Faculdade Anhaguera de Brasilia

Graduação em andamento em Farmácia. Faculdade Anhaguera de Brasilia, FAB, Brasil.

Melissa Cardoso Deuner, Universidade Norte do Paraná

Mestrado em andamento em Metodologias para o Ensino de Linguagens e Suas Tecnologias pela Universidade Norte do Paraná. Possui graduação em CIÊNCIAS - LICENCIATURA PLENA HABILIT. EM QUÍMICA e Graduação em BACHARELADO EM FARMÁCIA. Atualmente é professora da área da saúde da FACULDADE ANHANGUERA DE BRASÍLIA e também coordenadora do curso de Farmácia. Trabalhar com Educação é trabalhar com transformação. Lidar, acompanhar, participar e ver o crescimento de cada um é o que me fascina


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How to Cite

FRAGA, B. C. de; DEUNER, M. C. Effects of liraglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 14, p. e141156, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i14.1156. Disponível em: https://revistajrg.com/index.php/jrg/article/view/1156. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.