Anxiety disorder: treatment through herbal medicine
Anxiety, Phytotherapeutics, TreatmentAbstract
Anxiety disorders are considered the most common psychiatric disorders, causing significant suffering and resulting in serious functional impairments. Anxiety is an inherent biological characteristic of humans, however, when it becomes excessive and persistent, it can reach pathological levels, affecting the well-being and quality of life of affected individuals, and can develop into a disease. Characterized by an unpleasant, vague and diffuse feeling, anxiety usually manifests itself accompanied by various physical symptoms, exceeding the limits of what is considered normal. Therefore, the general objective of the work was to describe how herbal medicine can help in the treatment of anxiety. For this, a literature review was used as a methodology, through data collection in databases such as Scielo and Google Scholar Catálogo de Teses and National Library of Medicine (NLM). The main results obtained from the research were that herbal medicines help in the treatment of anxiety through their calming and relaxing properties, which help to reduce stress-related symptoms and promote emotional balance.
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