The paper of Coetrae in the combat against slave labor in Tocantins
Slavery, Contemporary slave labor, CoetraeAbstract
This article focuses on issues related to slave labor in the state of Tocantins.Tocantins and is guided by the questioning of the forms of action developed by the support group for human slavery in the state of Tocantins. This topic The aim is to highlight contemporary slavery in Tocantins, which subjects people to forced labor, or subjected to degrading working conditions. Slave labor is a violation of human rights that restricts the freedom of the individual and undermines their dignity. dignity. It is important to emphasize that contemporary slavery in Tocantins is not only restricted to rural labor, but is also present in sectors such as construction, the textile industry and even the construction, the textile industry and even domestic services. It is therefore essential that the state to act effectively in the fight against slave labor, strengthening its inspection bodies, promoting bodies, promoting awareness-raising actions and ensuring that those involved are punished. Only in this way will we be able to make progress in reducing this shameful practice and guarantee the dignity and rights of all workers.
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