Analysis of the sheep market in central western Paraná
gourmet meat, informal production chain, sheep farmingAbstract
The sheep meat market is directly affected by the informality of the production chain, the old sensory culture created by the consumption of low quality meat and the low supply, which makes its price less accessible. With the gourmetization of meat and the large amounts of sheep meat imported from Uruguay, there is an opportunity for growth for the sector in the country, and knowing the profile of the current consumer is essential for the future of sheep farming. Given this scenario, the aim of this study was to analyze the profile of sheep meat consumers in the central western region of Pará by means of a questionnaire made available remotely. Of the 179 eligible participants, 90.1% had already consumed sheep meat, of which 72.5% wished to increase the frequency and quantity of meat consumed. Of these, 56.9% consume meat on an annual basis, with price being the biggest factor preventing greater consumption (22.7%), followed by access (21%). The main source of meat purchases among the participants was directly from the rural producer, 70 interviewees. Of the total, 91.5% said they were willing to pay more for better quality meat and greater hygiene and health safety.
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