Analysys of the presence of the A2 genotype in cattle herd from western Paraná
a2a2, milk, bcm-9, bcm-7, caseinAbstract
Milk is considered an essential and complete food for all age groups. It contains a range of nutrients including proteins, vitamins and minerals, which are important and essential for the development and maintenance of the human body. In Brazil, dairy production is significant and places the country as the world's third largest producer, represented by around 1 million small and medium-sized farms that produce an average of 34 billion liters annually. The dairy market is challenging, under pressure to reinvent itself due to consumer demand for healthy, beneficial and safe products. Among the "innovations" to meet the requirements is A2A2 milk, which differs from the others by the absence of β-casein A1, which is associated with health problems such as allergies and gastrointestinal discomfort. In contrast, β-casein A2 under the effect of digestive enzymes releases BCM-9 which has no negative impact, making it a preferable option for individuals sensitive to β-casein A1. This study aims to provide information on the A2A2 genotype through a bibliographic review and aims to analyze the herd of a property in western Paraná. Cows of different breeds and crossbreeds were tested in order to identify females genetically competent for A2A2 milk production. After analysis, 23.33% of these animals were diagnosed as carrying the A2A2 genotype. Knowledge of the herd's genetics makes it possible to certify the property and market A2A2 milk, as well as allowing the possible dissemination of this genotype through assisted reproduction.
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