Enterectomy for excision of intestinal leiomyoma in a dog: case report.
Neoplasm, Diagnosis, SurgeryAbstract
Intestinal tumors represent 8% of neoplasms in dogs, making the main tumors in this species leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, lymphoma and mast cell tumor. Clinical signs are vague and slow to appear, progressing at the same time as the tumor grows. As clinical signs, animals may present anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and anemia. The evaluation can be carried out through a clinical and physical examination of the animal, in addition to imaging and histopathological examinations, which will be essential to reach a definitive diagnosis of the disease and classify its severity. This present report describes the case of a patient presenting with benign neoplasia in the jejunum, with clinical signs of lethargy, emesis, melena, diagnosed with a supposed mass in the jejunum region and the choice of treatment was an enterectomy to excise the neoplasm, with Surgical treatment proved to be efficient, making it possible to provide health and quality of life for the patient.
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