Development of a starch blend as a substitute for monohydrated lactose in solid pharmaceutical forms
Monohydrated lactose, Starch blend, CompressibilityAbstract
Starch obtained from plant roots and seeds consists of glucose polysaccharides formed by amylose and amylopectin, which can be used in pharmaceutical formulations as binders, fillers, or disintegrants. The most commonly used fillers in solid pharmaceutical forms are microcrystalline cellulose, monohydrated lactose, dibasic calcium phosphate, and starch. These fillers have distinct differences in their properties, such as size, shape, and density, characteristics that affect the compression behavior and the physicochemical properties of the tablet. Cases of lactose intolerance are quite common, and even at low dosages, the lactose present in medications can cause reactions depending on the individual's sensitivity. Therefore, the project's goal was to develop a starch blend that completely replaces monohydrated lactose in solid pharmaceutical forms. Starch blends were proposed using corn starch, rice starch, and cassava starch in different proportions, according to a simplex-lattice design with three components. The method used to evaluate the characteristics of these excipients was through the Carr and Hausner indices, expressed as a percentage indicating the efficiency of powder compactibility and compressibility, with values between 10 and 15% being considered excellent or good. From the obtained data, it is possible to predict that a blend of cassava and rice starches might be efficient for direct compression as a lactose substitute, as they exhibit similar values and characteristics. It is expected that the tablets will maintain an adequate degree of compressibility, powder compactibility, and remain within the process and quality control parameters, making them suitable for incorporation into other medications when mixed with starches from rice, cassava, and corn.
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