Extra oral access for removal of ectopic enclosed teeth: case report
Unerupted tooth, Oral Surgery, Oral Surgical ProceduresAbstract
Ectopic teeth, by definition, are teeth that develop in locations other than their normal position in the dental arch. Impacted teeth are elements that, by the time they erupt into the oral cavity, remain attached to the tissues. A dental element that presents an association of both conditions, that is, it is ectopic and impacted, can cause damage to the underlying tissues. The images are fundamental for the correct diagnosis and important to ensure that in the surgical treatment, the noble structures were respected, in order not to cause any other discomfort to the patient during the surgery. Access exposures differ in some points, but in cases where the tooth is closer to the base of the mandible, the access is performed extra-orally 1cm to 2cm below the base of the mandible. Favorable anatomical points on the face, useful during dissection, need to be exposed throughout the procedure, thus preventing them from being touched or lacerated. This study aimed to carry out a brief literature review on ectopic impacted teeth as well as to report a clinical case of a patient who had an impacted and ectopic tooth at the base of the mandible, whose treatment was given by extra-oral access.
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