Reflections on the teaching of thanatology: the experience of a project aimed at nursing students
Death, Humanization of Assistence, Education Nursing, EmpathyAbstract
Thanatology is an interdisciplinary area of knowledge that seeks to understand issues related to the process of death and dying in multiple dimensions. This article aims to reflect on the importance of teaching Thanatology, based on the experience gained from a complementary training project aimed at students of the Nursing course at a public university in the interior of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. South. The course had a total of 40 hours and had 44 participants, students from the first to the third year of graduation. At the end of the course, these students were invited to answer a questionnaire that evaluated the activity developed. The answers obtained allow us to conclude on the need to create spaces for dialogue that allow an open discussion on the subject, which is socially stigmatized. This type of educational intervention can promote the emergence of new training paradigms, improving the pedagogical proposals of courses in the field of Nursing, taking into account the integrality of the human being in biopsychosocial terms.
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