Behavior Analysis. Bournout Syndrome. Measurent scales.Behavior Therapy.Abstract
Objetive: this work sought to analyze how behavior therapy can help in treatment of peaple with Burnout Syndrome (SB). The is still no consensus regarding the concept of SB, but the most accepted concept in scientif Society is that Maslach and Jakson, and in Brazil , the only work from the perspective of Behavior Analysis (BA) onde the SB , even so conceptual is that of Schmitz (2015) and Schmitz and Soares (2020) . It is an disease, causad mainly by the consoladition of the Capitalist mode of prodution and more recently , with the processo of blobalization of the work. So it is important to analyze how behavior analyts, especial those dealing with behaviora, therapy with this theme. Methodology: To do so, we first sought to survey the first studies carried out by the German-born German American psychologist, H. Freundenberg (1974) and those made by Malasch and his collaborators. In this sense, the present study sought not only to conceptualize BS from the perspective of behavior analysis, but mainly how behavioral therapists can treat this disease with their patients, under a multidisciplinary aspect since, for now only CA alone and therapy behavioral treatment doesn’t handle the treatment, so there was even the suggestion of experiential techniques from Psychodrama that can increase the behavioral repertoire of the individual with BS, especially teachers. CA concepts to better understand this problem that affects thousands of professionals worldwide, with that, some CA concepts as operant and respondent, extinction, reinforcement and modeling and aversive control, based on what was developed by Skinner's Radical Behaviorism. The methodology used was a search in the main portals of the country and the world with descriptors in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and logical arguments. Results: The results obtained were satisfactory insofar as it was possible, through theoretical conceptions, to develop coping strategies using behavioral therapy and Psychodrama for the clinical improvement of the complaints brought by the complainants. Conclusions: It became evident that research on behavioral therapeutic aspects to help people with BS, requires more in-depth research, preferably experimental research that can be applied in the clinical context, as well as the possibilities of comprehensive therapeutic interventions capable of dealing with this problem, in addition, it is a research that showed the capacity of CA in the context of the study of mental health, which can be broader and encompass various diseases.
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