False Memories and Personal Recognition: Reflections on Fallibility in Criminal Law
Cognitive distortion, False memories, Judicial reliability, Witness testimonyAbstract
False memories refer to the cognitive process through which the brain fills in gaps in recollections, creating distortions or even entirely false memories, either by completely substituting the original event or modifying specific aspects of it. This phenomenon has been studied extensively by neuroscientists and psychologists aiming to understand the mechanisms involved in memory modification and the cognitive processes responsible for storing and processing information. In the legal context, false memories pose a significant risk to personal identification, as witness testimonies may rely on inaccurate recollections, potentially leading to wrongful convictions. Research has shown that memories are not exact replays but rather reconstructions influenced by factors such as emotions and cultural context, which can undermine the accuracy of identifications. This literature review examines how false memories are formed and presents real cases of wrongful convictions to analyze the interaction between false memory and personal identification in criminal law. Furthermore, we discuss the policies and practices adopted in the judicial system to mitigate the impacts of this phenomenon, particularly to safeguard justice in the witness identification process.
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