Development and characterization of functional biscuits for veterinary use based on yellow passion fruit peel flour (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa O. Deg.) as a complementary proposal for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in dogs
Yellow passion fruit, dietary fiber, antioxidants, agro-industrial waste, diabetesAbstract
The inclusion of dietary fiber in the diet represents an important resource in the complementary treatment of diabetes mellitus. Characterized by an increase in blood sugar (hyperglycemia), diabetes is an endocrine disease that occurs in humans and animals, such as dogs. Canine diabetes mellitus is similar to type 1 diabetes in humans, clinical signs of the disease include polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and weight loss, with the majority being insulin dependent at the time of diagnosis. In this context, the present study aimed to develop and characterize two functional biscuits for veterinary use made from yellow passion fruit peel flour, as a source of dietary fiber. Initially, the passion fruit solid matrix support was obtained from yellow passion fruit peel flour, as an input in the preparation of the biscuits. The functional biscuits for veterinary use were characterized in terms of chemical and nutritional composition, microbiological quality and antioxidant capacity using the phosphomolybdenum complex reduction method and the DPPH radical method. The results revealed a high dietary fiber content, microbiological quality and antioxidant potential for both biscuits developed. Therefore, functional biscuits with yellow passion fruit peel flour and passion fruit solid matrix support represent viable alternatives for reusing agricultural waste, as well as promising allies in the complementary treatment of diabetes mellitus in dogs.
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