Incidence of malaria in the legal amazon: a descriptive ecological study from 2012 to 2022
Malaria, Epidemiology, Legal AmazonAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the parasite of the genus Plasmodium, transmitted to humans through the bite of the mosquito of the genus Anopheles (“nail mosquito”). With historical and social importance within the context of the Legal Amazon, which has 99.8% of cases of the disease, malaria in this area is the object of study in this work. OBJECTIVE: Knowing the impact of malaria on the health of Brazil and the Amazon region, the work aims to analyze the epidemiological profile of malaria in the Legal Amazon over the last 10 years of notification of the disease (2012 to 2022), aiming to obtain and organize data that serve as a basis for preventive and disease-solving actions. METHODOLOGY: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study, retrospective in nature regarding the epidemiological profile of patients positive for malaria in the Legal Amazon from 2012 to 2022. Secondary data available in DATASUS is used. The specifications are: number of people diagnosed with malaria, respective sex and age, seasonality of the disease and its clinical form. RESULTS: In the region, there were 448 cases of malaria in the period studied, the highest concentration occurring in males, between the ages of 20 and 59 years and in the months of February to September, with a predominance of P. vivax infections. CONCLUSION: Through the results acquired, it is clear that by studying patterns in the subject it is possible to mitigate the impacts of malaria in the studied territory, in order to increasingly benefit susceptible populations.
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