Experience report on the production of a micropolitical project in primary health care
men’s health; health promotion; health education; primary health careAbstract
Introduction: Men’s health faces challenges related to disease prevention, primarily influenced by cultural factors, social stigmas, and men’s resistance to primary care. This report presents an experience in developing a project aimed at addressing these issues, with a specific focus on prostate cancer prevention and men’s self-care, promoting health education and awareness among this population. Methodology: Medical students, guided by professors and UBS professionals, carried out various educational activities at the Dom Milton Corrêa Pereira UBS. These included discussion groups, lectures, interactive dynamics, and the distribution of educational materials and self-care kits. Additionally, joint actions with community health agents and the use of social media expanded the reach of these initiatives. Results: The project achieved greater adherence by men to seeking care at the unit and greater interest in their comprehensive care, such as adopting healthy lifestyle habits combined with preventive consultations and examinations. There was also a reduction in stigmas related to the health of this group, with the aim of improving the UBS's indicators. Conclusion: The project underscores the importance of health education combined with humanized practices to foster bonds between users and healthcare workers, break taboos, and highlight the need for healthy habits.
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