Primary care and workers' health: actions of the family health strategy to qualify compulsory notifications
Occupational Health. Health. Family Health Strategy. Primary Health Care. Disease Notificatio.Abstract
Workers' health can be considered a field of knowledge and practices that aims to study, analyze and intervene in relationships between work, which has a theoretical-methodological approach that considers the health-disease process and its care demands in all areas of care. The experience of Workers' Health in Primary Health Care represents pressure from trade union movements that demanded attention from public services to workers' health problems. Notification of worker health problems is compulsory and is a legal requirement and underreporting of these problems constitutes a limiting factor considering both the prevention and legal points of view. This work aims to identify the underreporting of nine worker health problems in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, describing the relationship between worker health and the Family Health Strategy, as well as listing which actions are developed in Primary Care, by through the Family Health Strategy that qualify notifications of health problems and promote worker health. This is research based on a qualitative, descriptive, bibliographical approach, with collection of secondary and primary data. Data collection will take place through bibliographical research, recovering the knowledge present in the literature, in the SINAN database and Smartlab, as well as IBGE data, referring to the year 2022. Workers' health needs to be promoted in basic care and, in turn, in the Family Health Strategy, since it is the worker's gateway and obligatory notification of worker health problems. With these notifications, health authorities will be able to take measures to eliminate or contain them.
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