Experience of UFAM medical students at UBS Lúcio Flávio de Vasconcelos Dias: an experience report
Primary Health Care. Unified Health System. Public Health.Abstract
The Public Health III discipline provides experience in Primary Health Care (PHC), which is the first level of care and is characterized by disease prevention, promotion, protection, and maintenance of health. In this perspective, this work aims to report the experience lived during the Public Health III discipline at UBS Lúcio Flávio de Vasconcelos Dias. This is an experience report of the practices of the “Public Health III” discipline of the Medicine course at UFAM, which took place in the period of 2024.2 at UBS Lúcio Flávio de Vasconcelos Dias in the city of Manaus/AM, based on the systematic observation of reality. A rotating model was adopted to monitor the unit's sectors, in which a micropolitical project was built with the aim of recognizing the needs of the local community and intervening, in a creative way, to alleviate the health problems found in that territory. Furthermore, the importance of the territorial map for PHC was addressed, which gathers information from the micro-regions of the Family Health Strategy Team for an analysis of the living and health conditions of the different population groups present in the territory. Finally, as a way of evaluating the learning from the practice, the creation of an individual cartographic diary for the group members was proposed. During the practices, the students were able to understand how the unit works, as well as observe the relationship between the professionals and the community. The students' experiences highlighted the importance of PHC as an essential axis of the SUS. The practical activities helped in the understanding of the work of Primary Health Care.
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