The SUS as a learning center to integrate students, health professionals and the community in educational actions to promote health: Experience report
Health Educators. Men’s Health. Women’s Health. Primary Health Care (PHC).Abstract
Introduction: The use of SUS as a learning space to integrate students, healthcare professionals, and the community in health education activities during the Blue November campaign is addressed. Methodology: Participatory strategies such as Phillips 66, brainstorming, and dramatization were applied at the USF Porte 4 in Manaus, aiming to demystify misconceptions and encourage preventive exams for prostate cancer. Results: There was good community engagement and effectiveness of the activities, despite variations in participation and understanding. Discussion: The importance of adapting approaches to the audience’s characteristics was highlighted, with adjustments made to improve communication and ensure better comprehension. Additionally, methods such as dramatization and brainstorming promoted more intense interaction between participants and presenters, emphasizing the relevance of accessible language and interactive practices to engage diverse audiences. Conclusion: The strategies were effective in promoting.
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