Early mobilization. Intensive care unit. Physiotherapy. Immobilism syndrome.Abstract
Early mobilization is a physical therapy resource that has been applied to patients admitted to the ICU due to the deleterious effects caused by the prolonged period of immobilization. The following problem was investigated “what is the repercussion and benefits of early mobilization in critically ill patients restricted to bed?”. The hypothesis was raised that early mobilization acts on the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and musculoskeletal systems, intensifying pulmonary hematosis, maintaining muscle strength and decreasing hospital stay. The aim of this study was to identify the effects, benefits and repercussions of early mobilization in critical patients restricted to the ICU bed. This study is justified by seeking scientific evidence about the practices adopted in the ICU and, with that, pointing out ways for new research on the theme; it adds to society, as it seeks answers regarding the length of stay and the quality of life of inpatients and their families. It is a qualitative theoretical research of three months duration.
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