The resistant enterococcus (VRE), is known as a multiresistant bacteria as a cause of opportunistic infections and has a great ability to spread into the nosocomial environment. Objective: This literature review aims to clarify pertinent details about hospital infections, more precisely VRE and succinctly VRSA. Methods: This is a review of literature emphasizing the last 9 years, using scientific articles indexed in databases: Lilacs, Bireme, Pubmed and Scielo, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Several studies were selected with 5% significance. Results: The analyzed studies show the importance of an effective treatment against VRE, since this bacterium spreads easily in hospitals and is difficult to control. Conclusion: the analyzed studies show that hospital infection is a serious problem today, and that treatment needs to be further evaluated and discussed so that there is in fact a control and eradication of multiresistents bacteria.
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