Autism. Classification. Behavior. Diagnosis. Family.Abstract
The theme of this chapter is "Classification and Family and Social Relief". Investigate the following problem: "What is the importance of understanding the classification of the autistic spectrum and how should family behavior be when dealing with this situation?”. The following hypothesis was considered "The classification of autism has a significant relationship to understand the best autistic behavior, and a help from the family member can bring great benefits to the treatment of the patient with this diagnosis". The general objective is "To identify what are the behavioral aspects and behaviors of the autistic person and how this behavior can generate deficits in social interactions". The specified objectives are: "Examples of what are the most common types of autistic execution"; "Define an importance of the family role in the treatment of autism"; “Identify the most common problems that the autistic individual can cause in the development phase.” This work is important for the healthcare professional to explore more comprehensive knowledge about the autism spectrum and understand the main goals of treatment; for a science, it is relevant to have a broader and more meaningful view for its studies and bases; it adds to society because it contains relevant information to understand how the diagnosed patient may suffer from behavioral deficits and how society can act in face of this. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting two months.
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