Special Education. Unrestricted Inclusive Education. AEE.Abstract
This article deals with a study on inclusive education implemented between theory and pedagogical praxis, widely discussed among educators, researchers and renowned scholars in the field of education. The objective was to identify the differences of the expression “unrestricted inclusive” education in the school context. Specifically, in this case, to analyze how the pedagogical practices are carried out in the school daily life by the professionals who interact with students with special educational needs. As a method, we opted to carry out a case study characterized as a descriptive research in the qualitative approach. Throughout the study, legislation that guided the development of pedagogical practices in the educational environment was revisited. In the results, it was verified in the researched school, that the physical infrastructures are inadequate to fulfill the specialized educational assistance; and professionals who work in the school unit need continued training in this type of special education teaching. It was concluded that in this school space, improvements must be made to receive special students; the pedagogical practices developed lack resources to work with specific activities of students' disabilities, and there are limitations in pedagogical planning. In future implications, it is suggested the creation of healthy, welcoming, safe and inclusive environments, above all, where learning for all is given.
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