Alterity and power in the doctor-patient relationship
Doctor-patient Relationship. Subjectivitie. Alterity. Power. Humanization.Abstract
This article discusses the possibility of constructing and enthroning the concept of alterity in the doctor-patient relationship in contemporary times. Faced with a historical context of the development of medicine and the different forms of relationship between the doctor and the patient who is presented to him, identifying the forms of power that are established in the scenario of medical care, the current doctor-patient relationship is characterized as a relationship of loss of subjectivity and non-recognition of the human in the face of technotronic medicine. It is proposed, from the understanding of the concept of alterity, mainly in the meaning of Emmanuel Lévinas, to identify the possibility of rescuing the term “in fashion” humanization of care in terms of the development of the encounter of subjectivities in the classically established relationship between doctor and patient
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