Postpartum depression: the importance of nursing care
Health. Depression. Post childbirth. Pregnancy.Abstract
The period of pregnancy causes identity changes and a redefinition of priorities in women's roles. These changes go beyond childbirth, being a unique moment that depends on the experience lived by each woman. Although it is a physiologically natural event, during pregnancy there must be monitoring by a multidisciplinary team to minimize complications during prenatal care, labor, delivery and the puerperium. To determine the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) in puerperal women and the importance of nursing interventions in the treatment of this disorder. The selection criteria are 15 scientific articles published in national journals between 2008 and 2018. The exclusion criteria were: articles published before 2008 or that deviate from the proposed theme. The survey was carried out from March to April 2019. The prevalence of DDS is 10% to 20% of cases found in studies on the subject. In Brazil, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is recommended for test validation. The articles also showed that PPD affects one in eight girls in the immediate postpartum period up to six months after delivery, which can have adverse consequences for the mother, baby and family, as PPD has been shown to be the result of a psychological adaptation, social situation and maladaptive culture of girls facing motherhood.
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