North-colonial territorialization and creative insurgency: considerations on creative processes and education
North-colonizing territorialization. and the creative insurgency. Education.Abstract
This text is articulated with the theoretical bases that create and produce the psychology of difference – the name we attribute to the modality of psychology that enhances, deterritorializes and is machined in the premises of singularity and plurality that inhabit the subjective contours. This ethical posture of thinking to do psychological practice is dedicated to a thought that recognizes imprisonment, territorialization, but also the rhizomes that cross and create. The lines that succeed each other in this production seek to explain about the production of knowledge, the places of speech, the territorializations and the creative process - which is the opposite of recognition. It is a space that goes beyond the simple act of criticizing and moves towards the recognition of creative productions and legitimate places of speech. We highlight the whitened movements of northern discourses that tirelessly colonialize knowledge, territorializing it in acts of recognition that lead to an education of repetition. The creative act, in turn, is based on the difference that remains in continuous metamorphic becoming. Writing is the power that allows expressing insurgent thoughts that escape the colonizing bond. Potentializing education processes, generating creative acts, pervade acts that deviate from colonialism and become.
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