Building knowledge for life: teaching first aid in schools for teenagers
First aid, Teaching, AdolescentsAbstract
Objective: To analyze the impact of teaching first aid on the knowledge of adolescents. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, carried out in October 2022, through the databases of the Virtual Health Library, namely: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, the Database of Nursing and the Latino Literature -American and Caribbean Health Sciences. Results: Educational interventions were used with the application of active methodologies to boost knowledge about first aid. It appears that, before the interventions, the adolescents lacked the theme, however after the strategies they were satisfied with the acquired knowledge; moreover, regarding the professionals involved, the nursing professional who provides learning programs in schools stands out. Final Considerations: It is clear that the teaching of first aid in the knowledge of adolescents generates a significant impact, in view of their evolution regarding their understanding of the subject.
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