Initial growth of Spondia tuberosa seedlings irrigated with saline water




Umbuzeiro, Semiárido, Caatinga, Saline Stress, Salinity


Spondias tuberosas have roots that allow storage of water, minerals and organic solutes, favoring their survival in drought. The objective was to evaluate the effect of sodium chloride on the growth of umbuzeiro seedlings in response to different salt concentrations, between the months of June/2020 and January/2021, in the municipality of Lagoa Seca (PB). A randomized block design with four repetitions and five salt concentrations was used. Every 10 days the relative growth rate in height was calculated and at 45 days the dry matter mass (root, stem and leaf) was evaluated. Analysis of covariance was performed considering initial height as a covariate, and regression analysis using the F test, with the software R, 4.0. There was a significant effect of salinity on the seedling growth variables, except for root dry matter mass. The height varied between 30.34 and 24.54 cm, with a linear decreasing effect of NaCl concentration. The relative growth rate in height was fitted to a linear regression model and a significant effect of salinity on the plants was evidenced, with a 97% growth reduction. The dry matter of leaves and stems followed the linear regression model, with a reduction of 89.1% and 58.2%, respectively. The dry matter mass of the stem also had a linear decrease of 1595.6 mg/muda (58.2%). Root dry matter averaged 713.23 mg/muda. The total dry matter mass had a linear decrease of 39% (2536 mg/seedling), ranging from 4157.29 mg/seedling (controls) to 1621.29 (for 200 mM). The height of seedlings and their relative growth rate decreased linearly as a function of NaCl concentration in the nutrient solution at 45 days. The increase of salinity reduced the accumulation of dry mass in the aerial part of the plants. The roots of umbuzeiro present adaptability to salt stress.


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Author Biographies

Fábio Rodrigo Araújo Pereira, Pernambuco Federal Institute

[1] Graduado em Ciências Biológicas. Doutor em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba.

Walter Esfrain Pereira, Federal University of Paraíba

[2] Graduado em Engenharia Agronômica. Doutor em Fitotecnia pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

Angela Maria dos Santos Pessoa, Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido

[3] Graduada em Engenharia Agronômica; Doutora em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba.

Erika Socorro Alves Graciano de Vasconcelos, Instituto Nacional do Semiárido

[4] Graduada em Engenharia Agronômica. Doutora em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, F. R. A.; PEREIRA, W. E.; PESSOA, A. M. dos S.; VASCONCELOS, E. S. A. G. de. Initial growth of Spondia tuberosa seedlings irrigated with saline water. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 12, p. 494–513, 2023. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v6i12.531. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.