Digital social media and Mathematics teaching: challenges and possibilities for the dissemination of knowledge in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic




Digital Technology, Teacher Training, Teaching-Learning, Mathematics education


The Covid-19 pandemic significantly impacted the routine of the school context, thinking about teacher training and the use of digital technologies, in this context, has become fundamental for educational activities to enable access to formal education, following with health security, an example the suspension of face-to-face activities. To delimit the investigated object, we analyzed the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of the UEFS degrees and the Center for the Improvement of Mathematics Teaching at USP. In this path, the general objective is to analyze how digital social media can contribute to the dissemination of mathematical knowledge and teacher training. For that, we used Telematically Mediated Cognitive Analysis to organize and analyze the data. Among the main findings when analyzing these projects, we highlight that the telematically mediated meanings presented effective elements for the apprehension of communicated language and the development of generalizing thinking, as well as promoting communication and human interaction, however, they still need a greater investment so that the full potential mediations can be used in order to improve the teaching-learning processes intertwined with socially constructed knowledge and knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Gésus de Almeida Trindade, Federal University of Bahia

Doutorando em Difusão do Conhecimento/IFBA, Mestre em Educação Científica e Formação de professor/UESB, Professor EBTT/IFBA.

Francisco José Pacheco Dos Santos, Bahia State University

Doutorando em Difusão do Conhecimento/UNEB, mestre em Saúde Comunitária pelo Instituto de Saúde coletiva ISC/UFBA, farmacêutico pela Faculdade de Farmácia/UFBA.

Karine Nascimento Silva, Bahia State University

Doutoranda em Difusão do Conhecimento/UNEB, mestra em Família na Sociedade Contemporânea/UCSAL, especialista em Gestão e Supervisão Escolar/FIEF e pedagoga/UESB.

Vinicius Nelson Lago Silva, Federal University of Bahia

Graduado em Criação e Desenvolvimento de Websites; Mestre em Ciência da Propriedade Intelectual (PPGPI/UFS), Professor substituto no Instituto Federal da Bahia - IFBA.


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How to Cite

TRINDADE, G. de A.; SANTOS, F. J. P. D.; SILVA, K. N.; SILVA, V. N. L. Digital social media and Mathematics teaching: challenges and possibilities for the dissemination of knowledge in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 13, p. 31–43, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo/7926072. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.