


Health. Elderly. Coronavirus. Covid-19. Nursing team. Social isolation


With the advent of the new coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2, on countries it has created a daily paralysis in their activities of the population, due to the need for social isolation to slow the progress of the disease caused by the virus. The objective of this research was to identify the main weaknesses presented by the elderly, due to the isolation, imposed by the new Coronavirus. The risks of the elderly in developing more severe forms of the Coronavirus, due to comorbidity and fragility in the face of the virus infection. It is an integrative review, that is, one of the methods that seeks to analyze and synthesize in order to gather research results. The bibliographic survey was carried out on articles available on the internet, through the LILACS Latino- and SciELO databases. As a result, the risk of complications from COVID-19 increases with age, since most deaths occur in the elderly, especially those with chronic illnesses. It is concluded that, the nurse working to combat Covid-19, must promote health, care for the patient in all areas, including promoting rehabilitation in more complex cases. He is a promoter of family health. The nurse maintains direct and constant contact with the elderly patient, thus generating a responsibility, as he will advise on medications, nursing care, guidance for family members, in short, he will take care of the patient in the most different situations.


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Author Biographies

Maria Priscila Peixoto e Silva, FACESA-Faculdade de Ciências e Educação Sena Aires, FACESA, Brasil.


Walquiria Lene dos Santos, FACESA-Faculdade de Ciências e Educação Sena Aires, FACESA, Brasil.



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How to Cite

SILVA, M. P. P. e .; SANTOS, W. L. dos . HEALTH OF THE ELDERLY IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC COVID-19: NURSING CARE. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 3, n. 7, p. 214–223, 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4118417. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.