Nursing knowledge front of endoscopic examinations complication
Nursing. Endoscopy. Colonoscopy.Abstract
Complications during the endoscopic examination can range from minor discomfort to life-threatening situations. Common complications include bleeding, perforation of the organ being examined, and adverse reactions to the sedatives or anesthesia used during the procedure. Objective: To identify the knowledge of the nursing team regarding the complications of endoscopic exams. Method: This is an integrative literature review, whose main objective is to carry out the search and analysis of the most relevant studies, providing support for the execution of the study selection. Results: From the use of the search strategy, a total of twenty-five articles were obtained. After reading the titles, they were selected for reading, ending with six selected articles. Next, titles and abstracts were read, adopting inclusion criteria. Therefore, adequate knowledge of the complications associated with these tests is essential for nurses to be able to prevent, present them early and act effectively if prevented. Conclusion: Based on the literature review, it was found that there are management gaps in the nursing knowledge in this area.
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