care: challenges of the nurse in the care of pediatric patients
Palliative Care. Nursing. PediatricsAbstract
Palliative care aims to promote quality of life for patients and their families in the face of life-threatening situations. The nurse, as a member of the team, has a fundamental role, since he is one of the professionals who have the most direct contact with patients and, despite being a care implemented in different parts of the world, it is still a challenging practice for nurses. This research aimed to analyze the main challenges faced by the nursing team in relation to palliative care in pediatric patients through the search for data in the literature. This is an integrative review in which publications in Portuguese, English and Spanish were used with a time frame from 2018 to 2023 that addressed nursing care to pediatric patients in palliative care. As exclusion criteria: dissertations, theses, duplicate articles and review articles, in addition to publications with approaches to adult patients, pediatric patients not receiving palliative care and assistance in other areas of health. After collecting data, a total of 120 scientific articles were identified by crossing the descriptors “Palliative Care”; “Nursing” and “Pediatrics” using the Boolean operator AND in the SCIELO, LILACS, MEDLINE/PUBMED databases, but only 11 were included in this review. In view of this, several challenges were observed, and among the main ones is the suffering caused when dealing with children who are debilitated and without prospects for life. It is concluded that palliative care, when performed by qualified and empathetic nurses, provides comprehensive care and helps patients and their families to understand the grieving process. This study highlights the importance of approaching palliative care with professional ethics and emphasizes the need to improve technical-scientific knowledge to offer quality assistance to patients in palliative care.
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