


Peritoneal dialysis. Nurse. Nursing education. Caregivers.


Objective:  Identify the role of nurses as educators of patients on peritoneal dialysis and their caregivers. Methodology: The following databases were used: Scielo, BVS and PubMed to obtain an integrative literature review. Results: From the question about what are the nurse's duties in the health education process of patients on peritoneal dialysis and the other people involved in this care, a very specific answer was identified that focused on teaching and training methods to patients, patients and family, caregiver and family. Most training focused exclusively on the patient and aimed at preventing peritonitis, a focus that was mentioned in only three of the researched studies. Otherwise, the proposal for education in peritoneal dialysis was limited to the use of the device, accessories, hygiene, etc. Conclusion: it was clear that the role of nurses in educating patients on peritoneal dialysis and their caregivers goes beyond the hypothesis of this review. In other words, the nurse needs to have mastery of dialysis techniques and teaching skills, in addition to a typical conduct of those who care and educate because the patient is, in general, layman on the topic of dialysis and relevant techniques.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Cristina Lopes Soeiro Soeiro, Universidade Paulista, UNIP, SP, Brasil.


Lúcia de Medeiros Taveira , Universidade Paulista, UNIP, SP, Brasil.



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How to Cite

SOEIRO, L. C. L. S.; TAVEIRA , L. de M. . HEALTH EDUCATION, PERITONEAL DIALYSIS. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 3, n. 7, p. 393–403, 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4268349. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.