EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION THROUGH LUDICITY: The effectiveness of dramatic games in the learning process
Early Childhood Education. Development. Playfulness. Game.Abstract
The present historical period has great consequences for national education, the entry into the digital age and the constant use of technology have changed all sectors of society, including those related to education and classrooms. In early childhood, children already have access to cell phones, tablets and computers as a way to distract them. However, this use can be harmful if it is not mediated and controlled. The present study aims to show that millenarian activities such as play and play, more specifically the dramatic game, can bring several benefits to the motor, mental and even cognitive development of these children. It is necessary that these activities are brought into the classrooms and that the use of educational games becomes a habit for these children. The methodology selected is descriptive and qualitative, and can be categorized as bibliographic research. The results point to the fact that such measures make students more interested in classes and engage in them, often even more than when they are exposed to traditional teaching methodologies.
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