Burnout syndrome in nursing technicians of the state of Sergipe acting during theCcovid-19 pandemic: prevalence and associated risk factors





Burnout syndrome. Nursing technicians. COVID-19.


Introduction: Health professionals are constantly dealing with death and difficult decisions that can affect their physical and mental well-being. Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a psychosocial illness that appears as a response to chronic interpersonal stressors related to the work environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has therefore brought new challenges, especially in the health sector, causing burnout among health professionals and culminating in an increase in BS in this group. Objective: To identify and evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for Burnout Syndrome in nursing technicians in the state of Sergipe working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional, quantitative study of 150 nursing technicians and assistants working with COVID-19 patients in Sergipe (2021-2022), carried out via Google Forms, using the Informed Consent Form (ICF). A sociodemographic and professional profile was assessed, and the Lipp Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults (ISSL) was applied. A chi-square or Fisher's exact test was used, with the effect size based on the odds ratio (OR). Approved by the Research Ethics Committee under protocol number 4.578.896. Results: Regarding the risk of burnout, the prevalence was low (44.7%), followed by moderate (36.7%) and severe (18.7%). The variables analyzed that were most associated with Burnout Syndrome in nursing technicians and assistants were : age group (p=0.03), the association between feeling anxious or not when working with COVID-19 patients (p<0.001), with anxiety increasing the chances of having a moderate risk of burnout by 2.46 times (95%CI=1.16; 5.25) and the chances of having a high risk by 4.62 times (95%CI=1.80; 11.87), impaired sleep quality (p=0.06), with a 2.16 times (95%CI=1.01; 4.64) of being at moderate risk of burnout, professionals who had experienced some family conflict were 4 times (95%CI=1.56; 10.23) more likely to be at high risk of burnout compared to those who had not experienced any conflict, professionals who had experienced some conflict with the team were 4.62 times (95%CI=1.80; 11.87) more likely to be at high risk and 3.34 times (95%CI=1.53; 7.30) more likely to be at moderate risk of burnout. Conclusion: All levels of burnout risk were found among nursing technicians and assistants, most of whom were at low risk, followed by moderate and severe risk, with a significant association with age, having had family and team conflicts, loss of sleep and feeling anxious when working during the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Manuela Naiane Lima Barreto, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes

Luana Rocha de Souza, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes

Carla Viviane Freitas de Jesus, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduada em Enfermagem pela Universidade Tiradentes; Pós-graduação em MBA em Gestão da Saúde e Administração Hospitalar pela Faculdade Estácio de Sergipe; Doutora em Saúde e Ambiente pela Universidade Tiradentes 

Jefferson Felipe Calazans Batista, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduado em Enfermagem. Mestre em Saúde e Ambiente pela Universidade Tiradentes; Doutorando em Saúde e Ambiente pela Universidade Tiradentes

Renata Lima Batalha de Andrade, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduada em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes

Larissa Wábia Santana de Almeida, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes

Letícia Andrade Santos, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes

Fabrícia Teixeira de Souza, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Medicina pela Universidade Tiradentes

Maria Julia Nardelli, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduada em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural; Mestrado em Medicina Veterinária de Ruminantes e equídeos pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; Doutorado em Saúde e Ambiente pela Universidade Tiradentes

Sonia Oliveira Lima, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduada em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Mestrado e Doutorado em Medicina (Clínica Cirúrgica) pela Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

LIMA BARRETO, M. N.; ROCHA DE SOUZA, L.; FREITAS DE JESUS, C. V.; CALAZANS BATISTA, J. F.; LIMA BATALHA DE ANDRADE, R. .; WÁBIA SANTANA DE ALMEIDA, L.; ANDRADE SANTOS, L.; TEIXEIRA DE SOUZA, F. .; NARDELLI, M. J. .; OLIVEIRA LIMA, S. Burnout syndrome in nursing technicians of the state of Sergipe acting during theCcovid-19 pandemic: prevalence and associated risk factors. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 13, p. 1424–1436, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8407612. Disponível em: https://revistajrg.com/index.php/jrg/article/view/725. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.