Obstetric violence in HIV-positive women: The role of nurses in the face of discrimination and prejudice
Obstetric Violence, Nursing, HIVAbstract
This study addresses the issue of discrimination and prejudice faced by people seropositive to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) at the time of birth. This is an issue that goes beyond the scope of physical health, entering the spheres of human rights and social equality. The objective of the research was to understand the role of nursing in the face of this type of violence. To achieve this, the research adopted an inductive approach, using documentary analysis and bibliographic research as the main methods of data collection and analysis. This methodology is appropriate for qualitative investigations that seek to understand complex phenomena in depth. By examining how HIV-related stigma can influence birth care, the study sheds light on an area often overlooked in discussions about reproductive health. The anonymous victims' narratives reflect a reality that HIV-positive people often face: the violation of their autonomy and reproductive rights due to deep-rooted prejudices. Furthermore, the importance of public policies and laws that guarantee the reproductive rights of HIV-positive people was noted. Protecting these rights is essential to ensure that they can make informed decisions about their health and family, without being discriminated against or stigmatized. The research also highlights the continued need for awareness and sensitization regarding HIV. Society needs to understand that stigma not only harms HIV-positive people, but also undermines fundamental principles of equality, dignity and human rights.
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