The importance of diabetes education for patient self-care
Diabetes, Health Promotion, Primary AttentionAbstract
Diabetes is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide, increasing the risk of cardiovascular, kidney and cancer diseases. In the Americas, it is the sixth leading cause of death, resulting in around 290,000 deaths in 2019 and being the second largest cause of disability, surpassed only by heart disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in the scientific literature, the impact of health promotion for people with DM, in Primary Health Care (PHC). The specific objectives include the investigation of the health education process for patients with DM, the definition the role of the nurse in this context and the analysis of the impact of health education on improving the health of these patients. This work used a research methodology (integrative review) with a quantitative focus, considering a period of five years (2019 to 2023) and data collection began in July 2023. Publications in Portuguese and English were analyzed in databases SciELO, Cochrane Library and PubMed Advanced Search Builder data. The results of the present study demonstrate the importance of health education in self-care, a significant improvement in quality of life was noted, as, with the training of patients to manage their disease, there was a reduction in healthcare costs. It is concluded that the promotion of health education continues to be a fundamental strategy for the effective control of DM in PHC, with positive impacts on the quality of life and well-being of patients.
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