Post-bariatric malnutrition
Bariatric surgery, Nutritional replenishment, Nutritional deficienciesAbstract
This review article develops into the relationship between bariatric surgery and associated nutritional complications. It begins by discussing the relevance of bariatric surgery as an effective intervention for cases of morbid obesity. Detailed presentation of indication and contraindication criteria, encompassing considerations such as Body Mass Index (BMI), age, and other factors. The article highlights significant impacts on nutrient absorption, leading to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, particularly following techniques like gastric bypass. Subsequently, the need for long-term nutritional replenishment, including oral multivitamins, is addressed. The text specifically explores deficiencies in water-soluble vitamins (B1, B12, B9) and fat-soluble vitamins. It also discusses the impacts on the absorption of minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, zinc, and selenium. Ultimately, this work encompasses the challenges of nutritional deficiencies faced by patients undergoing bariatric surgery, providing valuable insights for healthcare professionals involved in their care.
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