Health of Indigenous Peoples. Health Services Accessibility. Local Health Systems.Abstract
The health provided to indigenous peoples cannot be restricted to technological resources only, it must be linked to their traditional culture so that it is possible to obtain better results in terms of health-disease at the local level. The objective of this work is, through the review of the recent literature, to understand more clearly how the indigenous peoples have access to health services and how is the attention given to them. Method: The analysis performed was obtained through online surveys in national journals. This is an integrative review of the literature using the electronic databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Scientific and Technical Literature of Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS), where the time cut for the inclusion of 2015 publications was established to 2019. 7 scientific articles were selected. Results: Through the selection of articles, a huge disregard for indigenous health was observed, as they submitted to unpleasant situations, of very poor quality, often, and the lack of humanization in caring for them, as well as the traditional way how health care is carried out fails to meet the demand of indigenous peoples. Conclusion: It was concluded that indigenous health, despite the evolution over time, still needs to be improved in several aspects and to have more attention, so that, in this way, they can give them what should in fact be guaranteed.
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