The nursing care provided within SAMU and its legal support: bibliographic review
Emergency medical services, First aid, Emergency nursing, AmbulanceAbstract
The Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) is a fundamental pillar of healthcare, operating in challenging environments to provide immediate care to patients in critical situations. Nurses play a multifaceted role in this context, contributing significantly to the quality of care provided. This article aims to highlight the importance of nursing care in SAMU and its legal backing through an analysis of recent literature and relevant documents. In terms of methodology, this study adopts a qualitative descriptive approach, employing literature review and document analysis. Scientific articles, reports, regulations, and documents related to the role of nurses in SAMU were reviewed. Document analysis allowed the identification of relevant data and information about the focused role of nursing professionals in providing this type of care. The results emphasized that the presence of nurses in SAMU teams is of utmost importance, as they play essential roles in the initial assessment of patients, administration of medications, execution of critical procedures, quick decision-making, and team coordination. Clinical training, technical skills, and comprehensive knowledge of nurses play a vital role in emergency care, contributing to the humanization of care and ensuring that the physical and emotional needs of patients are addressed. This research reinforces the importance of nurses' involvement in SAMU multidisciplinary teams. Their presence is crucial to ensuring high-quality care in emergency situations. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize and value the role of these professionals in SAMU teams, ensuring the best possible care for patients in critical situations.
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