Evaluation of the usability of CARPeDia: app for the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers
Ulcer, Diabetes, Prevention, Diabetic foot, Health informaticsAbstract
The study aimed to analyze the usability and acceptability of the CARPeDia application, built with an approach to the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers, to be made available free of charge to society and act as a facilitator of early detection and prevention of one of the main complications of diabetes. This is a descriptive, quantitative study, based on the use of the application and 2 evaluations: Scale of Usability of the Sistema-SUS, which measures the usability of the application, and a sociodemographic evaluation, which listed the doubts of the participants during use. of the app. The inclusion of participants was people with diabetes and health professionals from the Family Health Strategy, aged 18 years or older, who agreed to participate in the research and signed the Free and Informed Consent Form, in the city of Lavras , Minas Gerais (CAAE 48791421.7.0000.5116). The usability score found was 96,8 (0-100) which indicates that the application is in excellent conditions for use and, therefore, the usability of the CARPeDIA application is effective and it should be used by the community and health professionals. health.
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