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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal page.
  • The author declares that, with the exception of direct and indirect citations clearly indicated and referenced, this article is of his authorship and therefore does not contain plagiarism. He also declares that he is aware of the legal implications of the use of third party material.
  • The author declares that he participated sufficiently in the work to make public his responsibility for the content and that all statements contained in the manuscript are true or based on research with reasonable accuracy.
  • All author identification data must be typed directly into the appropriate fields on the article registration page and the author(s) in the article submission system, including the author's full name or authors, postal address, telephone and e-mail to contact readers, with a brief description of the curriculum (maximum three lines) and institutional affiliation. This data must not be included in the Word (or compatible) file sent by the portal.

Author Guidelines

1. Submission of articles

The proposals of articles for JRG Journal of Academic Studies should be sent through the electronic submission system (free of charge), through registration and access through login and password to be performed. Proposals sent by e-mail will not be accepted. The journal reserves the right to accept or reject any original received, according to the recommendations of its editorial board, as well as the right to propose any changes.

2. Author qualification

At least one of the authors of the article must have the title of Doctor (Dr.) or Master (MSc). 

3. Originality and exclusivity

Texts for publication in the JRG Journal of Academic Studies must be unpublished and for exclusive publication, except in the case of articles in a foreign language that have been published outside the country. Once published in this journal, they may also be published in books and collections, provided the original publication is cited. Authors are asked to agree not to publish in other journals and periodicals, as well as not to postulate the article proposals simultaneously in other journals or editorial bodies.

4. Languages

Articles may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, German or French.

5. Presentation of text and pre-textual elements

5.1 It is recommended that the work be between 15 and 30 pages (size A4 - 21 cm × 29.7 cm), comprising the introduction, development, conclusion (not necessarily with these titles) and a list of bibliographical references.

5.2 The margins used should be: left and top 3 cm and right and bottom 2 cm.

5.3 In the body of the text Font Arial, size 12, single line spacing, and 0 pt spacing before and after the paragraphs should be used.

5.4 In the footnotes Font Arial, size 10, single line spacing should be used.

5.5 In the development of the text, the paragraphs should have a 1.5 cm indentation in relation to the left margin. Titles and subtitles should be aligned to the left margin, without indentation.

5.6. The structure should observe the following order:  

5.6.1 Title in the language of the article, in uppercase and in centralized bold, title in English without bold in italics and in uppercase. 

5.6.2 In cases where information about the article needs to be indicated (funding by development agencies, acknowledgements, translators of the text, etc.), a footnote should be inserted with an asterisk (not a number) to the right of the title in the language of the article.

5.6.3 Title in English, in capital letters (upper case), in bold and in italics, centralized. In the case of articles written in English, this element should be replaced by the title in Portuguese.

5.6.4 Author's qualification(s), included in: full name of author(s) with only the first letter capitalized; indication of his/her main institutional affiliation, (institution to which he/she is linked as a teacher or student, or, if he/she is not a teacher or student, the institution where his/her major academic degree was obtained, such as doctorate, master's degree, specialization, etc.). The name of the institution must appear in full and in the original language of the institution (or in English when the writing is not Latin), followed by the indication of the country of origin of the institution in parentheses. If the author is a teacher and is studying for a Master's or Doctorate in another institution, the main affiliation will be that of the institution in which the author appears as a Master's or Doctoral student. Indication of e-mail address for contact. It is recommended that authors inform the ORCID identification number (for more information click here). The ORCID identifier can be obtained from the ORCID register. You must accept the standards for presenting iD ORCID and include the complete URL (for example: In this case, such information should be listed just below the contact email address. The four preceding elements should be indicated one below the other in separate lines, with left alignment. A footnote with an asterisk (not a number), to the right of the author's name, should include his or her mini-curriculum, starting with the institution where he or she appears as a lecturer, followed by the city, state and country acronym in parentheses, indication of academic degrees (starting with the highest), other links with scientific associations, profession, etc. If the footnote has been used next to the title with information about the article, the note with the mini-curriculum of the first author should be indicated with two asterisks, that of the second author with three asterisks, and so on.

5.6.5 Abstract in the language of the article (Arial 12 font, single line spacing, no paragraph or citations and references, up to 300 words), preceded by the country of origin.

5.6.6 Indication of 5 key words in the language of the article (in lowercase letters separated by semicolons), preceded by the expression "Key words" written in the language of the article.

5.6.7 Abstract in English (Font Arial 12, single line spacing, without paragraph or citations and references, up to 300 words), preceded by the word "Abstract". In the case of articles written in English, this element should be replaced by the abstract in Portuguese.

5.6.8 Indication of five keywords in English (in lowercase letters separated by semicolons), preceded by the expression "Keywords". In the case of articles written in English, this element should be replaced by the keywords in Portuguese.

5.6.09. List of references effectively used in the article, at the end of the work, separated by a single space, aligned to the left margin (without indentation).

5.6.10. Brazilian technical standards (ABNT NBR 14724:2011) are applied for other formatting aspects.

5.7 All highlighting of the text must be done with the use of italics, being forbidden the use of bold, underlined or high box for the purpose of highlighting the text.

5.8 Figures and tables must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. In this case, the images must be sent in the natural size that will be used, in high resolution (300 dpi), in .jpg, .tif, .eps files, or Photoshop (.psd), vector format CorelDRAW (.cdr) or Adobe Illustrator (.ai), by uploading the files in the "Transfer of supplementary documents" field available at the time of submission.

6. Scientific Methodology

6.1 The references of books, chapters of collective works, articles, theses, dissertations and monographs of conclusion of course of authors cited or used as a basis for writing the text must appear in a footnote, with all the information in the text, in compliance with the Brazilian technical standards (ABNT NBR 6023:2002), and especially with the indication of the page from which the information presented in the text was taken right after the reference.

6.1.1 The emphasis given to the title of the books (or magazines) cited should be in bold, and the use of italics is forbidden.

6.1.2. Articles written in AUTHOR:DATE format will not be accepted for publication.

6.1.3 The references must be in the following format: Books: SURNAME, Name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. edition number. City: Publisher, year. collective book chapters: LAST NAME, Name. Title of the chapter without bold. In: LAST NAME OF THE 1st ORGANIZER, Name of the organizer; LAST NAME OF THE 2nd ORGANIZER, Name of the 2nd organizer and so on, separated by semicolons (Org. or Coord.). Title of the work or compilation in bold: subtitle without bold. edition number. City: Publisher, year. first page-last page [preceded by "p."]. Articles in magazines: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article without bold. Journal title in bold, city, volume, number, first page-last page [preceded by "p."], months of publication [abbreviated with the first three letters of the month followed by a period and separated by a slash]. year. thesis of Titularity, Livre-Docência, Doctorate, Master's Dissertations, Monographs of Graduation and Post Graduation: SURNAME, Name. Title of work in bold: subtitle without bold. City, year. number of leaves followed by "f". Modality of the work (Degree obtained with the defense) - Organ before which the work was defended, Name of the institution.

6.1.4 The elements of the references must observe the following pattern: Author: SURNAME in capitals, comma, Name with initials in capitals, followed by period. Editing: information must be included only after the second editing, without ordinal, followed by a period and "ed. Example: 2. ed. Year: written with Arabic numerals, without a period in the thousand, preceded by a comma and followed by a period.

6.1.5 In cases where it is absolutely impossible to obtain any of the above information, the absence must be supplied as follows: Absence of city: replace with [s.l.]. Absence of publisher: replace with [n.s.]. Absence of year: indicate in brackets the approximate year, followed by a question mark. Example: [1998?].

6.2 Quotations (words, expressions, periods) should be carefully checked by the authors and/or translators.

6.2.1 Direct quotations should follow the following register pattern: transcription with up to four lines should be in the body of the text, with normal letter and spacing, and in quotes.

6.2.2 The use of op. cit., ibidem and idem is forbidden in the bibliographical notes, which must be replaced by the complete reference in full.

6.2.3 For the mention of authors in the body of the text, it is forbidden to use it in a high box (e.g. for Name SURNAME...). In these cases all mentions should be made only with the first letter capitalized (e.g. for Name Surname...). 

7. Editorial

7.1. The texts must be revised and have their language suitable for a scientific editorial publication.

7.2 In the case of articles written in the Portuguese language, the writing must obey the new orthographic rules in force since the promulgation of the ORTOGRAPHICAL AGREEMENT OF THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE, as of January 1, 2009.

7.3 Quotes from texts prior to the AGREEMENT must respect the original spelling.

8. Copyright Statement

Authors who publish in this journal agree with the following terms:

8.1. No copyright or any other remuneration will be due for the publication of the works.

8.2 I declare that this article is unpublished and that it is not subject to any other submission process to another scientific journal.

8.3 I declare that I authorize the publication of the article by the journal on the World Wide Web and the knowledge about the non remuneration due to its publication, not being entitled to any patrimonial copyright.

8.4 Also, as an author, I assume the civil and penal responsibility for the content of the published work, after having read the guidelines for authors and having agreed with them.

8.5 The work may be accessed by any interested party and reproduced and/or published provided that due reference is made in accordance with ABNT for the purpose of disseminating scientific academic production.

09. Responsibility of the authors

9.1 Authors are responsible for the published content, thus committing themselves to actively participate in the discussion of the results of their scientific research, as well as in the process of reviewing and approving the final version of the work.

9.2 Authors are responsible for the conduct, results and validity of all scientific research.

9.3 Authors must notify the journal of any conflict of interest.

9.4 The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility.

9.5 By submitting the article, the author certifies that all statements contained in the manuscript are true or based on research with reasonable accuracy.

10. Conflict of interest

Public reliability in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how conflicts of interest are managed during writing, peer review and decision-making by editors.

10.1 It is mandatory that the author of the manuscript declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest. Even judging that there are no conflicts of interest, the author must declare this information when submitting the article, marking this specific field.

10.2 Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, apparently or not, may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. Conflicts of interest can be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial.

10.3 When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their work.

10.4 Authors must recognize in the manuscript all financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections related to the research. The contributions of persons who are mentioned in the acknowledgements for their assistance in the research must be described, and their consent for publication must be documented.

10.5 Manuscripts will not be rejected simply because there is a conflict of interest, but a declaration must be made that there is or is not a conflict of interest.

10.6 The referees must also disclose to the editors any conflicts of interest that could influence their opinions about the manuscript, and must declare themselves unqualified to review specific originals if they believe this procedure is appropriate. As in the case of authors, if there is silence from the referees about potential conflicts, this will mean that the conflicts do not exist.

10.7 In case of identification of conflict of interest on the part of the referees, the Editorial Board will forward the manuscript to another ad hoc referee.

10.8 If the authors do not have certain of what may constitute a potential conflict of interest, they should contact the Academic Editors or the Journal's Editorial Assistant.

10.9 In cases where editors or any other member publishes frequently in the Journal, no special or differentiated treatment will be attributed. All submitted articles will be evaluated through the double blind peer review procedure.

11.Other information

11.1 The papers will be selected by the Academic Editors and by the Editorial Board of the Journal, who will contact the respective authors to confirm the receipt of the texts, and then send them for analysis by two referees of the Council of referees.

11.2 The originals received and not published will not be returned.

11.3 The authors are guaranteed the right to appeal against editorial decisions.

11.3.1 10 (five) days will be granted from the date of the final decision of the Editorial Board.

11.3.2 The appeal will be analyzed by the Editorial Board within 30 (thirty) days. macos/deepLFree.translatedWithDeepL.text


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