Psychiatric Reform. Transdisciplinary teamwork Interdisciplinary. Mental Health Services.Abstract
This article deals with the development and results of a research carried out in a Psychosocial Cohabitation Center of the Municipality of Santo Antonio do Descoberto. The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of the transdisciplinary team of the Living Life Cohabitation Center and to understand how professionals see the service in which they are inserted considering the Psychiatric Reform, the aspects that facilitate and make difficult this action. For this purpose, a quantitative approach was adopted through an objective questionnaire with 35 employees of the institution, the results obtained indicate that the perception of the transdisciplinary team on psychiatric reform is divided among the categories, considering that only 47% of the professionals studied are knowledgeable about the process of psychiatric reform, and mostly comprised nurses and nursing technicians. It was concluded that 53% of the workers presented difficulties in the knowledge of the law, 10.216 / 01 that governs the process of psychiatric reform, however practice the assistance of those surveyed to the patient with mental disorder, is consistent with the principles of psychiatric reform, being notorious the humanization in care, the medical centrality, and the inclusion of family members in the therapist process. It is pointed out here that the institution explores but theoretical investment on psychiatric reform, further qualifying its transdisciplinary team.
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