Language. Libras. Elis.Abstract
The present article aims to present how the comprehension of the alphabetical writing system of the Brazilian Language of Signs-Libras, called Elis-Writing of sign language corroborates in the process of teaching language learning. The methodology used was qualitative research, specifically, the bibliographical research, guiding authors such as: Mariângela Barros (2008, 2013), Noam Chomsky (1972) Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet (1998) Marcel Dettiene (1992) Norbert Elias ) Michel Foucault (1994) and Ronice Quadros, among others, have made it possible to construct a theoretical framework which articulates the conception of language and writing, making it possible to conclude that Elis's teaching for deaf students will allow them to understand the structure of their mother tongue – to Libras – as well as to make a comparative study between the rules of Sign Language and Portuguese Writing progressively, resulting in a broadly systematized and meaningful process of literacy both in their mother tongue to LIBRAS and in L2 , Or in the written Portuguese language.
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