The acting of nurses in preventing breast cancer in Primary Health Care: an integrative review
Nursing, Breast cancer, Primary Health CareAbstract
Breast cancer (BC) is a high-risk pathology characterized by a disorderly increase in breast cells, resulting in the formation of a tumor, in most cases malignant. Actions to detect breast cancer early are necessary for control and strategic planning. The role of primary health care professionals is to search for suspected cases of BC, which is essential for early diagnosis, reducing the time to start treatment. For years, strategies have been implemented to control the disease in Brazil, among which the role of nurses in controlling CM stands out. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the role of nurses in preventing breast cancer in primary health care. For this, a literature review was carried out in the PUBMED and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) databases. The time frame covered the period from 2019 to 2024. As a result, 54 articles were found, resulting in 10 articles analyzed. Therefore, it was evident in the articles found that the role of nursing professionals in primary health care is extremely important, as this professional is present from diagnosis to treatment.
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