Schizophrenia, Chemical Dependence and Mental Health.Abstract
According to WHO by the year 2014, 26 million people were diagnosed with schizophrenia in the world. In Brazil, the most recent data disclosed is from the year 2013, in which the protocol and therapeutic guidelines (PCDT) of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, describe that schizophrenic disorders affect about 0.6% of the population suffering from a variation of 0.6% to 3 %, depending on the diagnostic criteria used. The general objective of this study was to understand according to the integrative research the concept of schizophrenic disorder associated with chemical dependence. The specific objectives were to know the management of assertive treatment with patients with schizophrenia by health professionals and to analyze efficient strategies for less o stigmas and prejudices about the disease. The bibliographic survey was done through the LILACS (Latin American Literature in Health Science), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and PUBMED databases. For the survey of the articles, we used the descriptors: "schizophrenia", "chemical dependence" and "mental health", in articles published in the years 2006 to 2019. It is concluded that the years 2009 and 2010 schizophrenia, mental health, and chemical dependence, with the following frequencies: schizophrenia 40%, chemical dependency 45% and mental health 15%
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